Monday, April 28, 2008

Now, a word from our sponsors

Yesterday (or Thursday for 7th hour) we talked about how, as the medium of advertisements changed, so did the ads. While the major medium for ads was the magazine or newspaper, ads tended to use a lot of words to persuade your head that you should buy its product. However, as America moved into the age of television around 1939, the focus of advertisement turned to association, trying to persuade the emotions.

So, while a print ad is more likely to explain the qualities of a particular product, television is more likely to associate its product with something exciting without touching on the product's qualities at all.

Today you're going to look at ads and analyze them.

I want you to look at four ads.

of them print ads, and

Two of them television ads.

Your job is to (1) Describe the ad and provide the URL where you found it, and (2) Evaluate how well each ad uses its medium.

Find one television and one print ad (for a total of two ads) that does not use its medium well. Describe in a paragraph or more why they don't work.

Find one television and one print ad (for a total of two ads) that does use its medium well. Describe in a paragraph or more why they do work.

You can find some fun vintage (old) ads at the following Web sites:

For print ads:

For television ads:

Click here to see Super Bowl 2007 ads.

Google Video also has a lot of ads. However, when you do a search, you need to restrict the search to videos hosted by Google only, because You Tube is blocked.

To sum up your assignment:

I want 8 paragraphs out of you. For each of the 4 analyses (two for effective ads and two for ineffective ads) you will

1. Write a paragraph describing the ad and providing the URL where you found it.

2. Write a paragraph analyzing the ad for its effectiveness.

3. Email your analysis to me at by the end of class.

4. Yes. this assignment will be worth points.