Today I am recovering from the illness that has made me so boring lately. To make sure we don't waste any of the time we have to get your ready for PAWS, I have created the following test to help you practice the test taking skills we talked about on Wednesday.
You'll remember that we talked about eliminating answers in order to have a better chance of finding the correct answer. There is a function on the test that allows you to do this. You'll see that just below the A, B, C, or D there is an X. If you click on that X, a red X will be drawn through the answer, indicating that you believe it to be wrong. Use this to help you remember which answers you believe should be eliminated.
You'll also remember that we talked about analogies (comparisons between two things) and that we practiced figuring out a few. We also talked about how much easier it is to extract the right information from a text when you already know what the question is.
The test consists mainly of analogies, homonyms (words that have two very different meanings), synonyms (words that have a similar definition of other words), and extracting information from pamphlets. If you use the test taking strategies we talked about in class, you'll find that this test is much easier than the last one. I expect you all to do well on it.
Click on the URL below to go to the test page.
Once there, click on the button in the upper-left side of the window that reads "Students"
The site code is: 32-2506-0344
If you are in 6th hour, the test code is: 90050
If you are in 7th hour, the test code is: 84090
If you are in 8th hour, the test code is: 77635
Your user name is: the last two letters of your first name followed by your entire last name.
So, for example, if I were Justin Timberlake, I would enter: intimberlake.
If I were Kiera Knightly (I'd probably need some major surgery, but...) I would enter: raknightly.
This applies to everyone but Tone and Kohlby. Tone's user name is tone, and Kohlby's is bair.
You need no password.
Take the test with no conversation amongst you.
There are 50 questions.
A grade is attached to this. So please do your best.