Friday, August 24, 2007

Course Syllabus 1.0

English 10
Instructor: Dr. Carter
AY 2007-2008

Life is short. Therefore …

1. Live deep and suck all the marrow of life.

2. Suck all the marrow of this class.

3. Allow others the same privilege.

How this class works

This class is product based. That means that we may have fewer quizzes and tests than you are used to. Thus, your grade will be attached mainly to how well your products turn out. The end of each unit will have a product attached to it such as a screenplay, a short story, or a personal essay. Rubrics will be provided so you will know what makes a good product. Again, the product will be the most important thing, though your process will also be counted.

Course Components
There are 2 components that make up your overall final grade in this class.

1. 30% = Daily Points – This score is calculated on a daily or weekly basis. Each day, you will have the opportunity to earn 3 points. One point represents preparedness. Prepared students have their work completed and come to class with all materials necessary for participation. They do not ask to leave class for any reason, because they took care of everything prior to class starting. The other 2 points represent participation. Participation is equivalent to contributing in a constructive manner to class discussions, working on the assigned material as the teacher directs, and completing bellwork according to the rubric.

2. 70% = Standards-Based Assessments –Standards-based assessments are essays, research papers, speeches, screenplays, short stories, personal essays, graphic novels, children’s books etc.

Materials Needed

1. A 120-page spiral bound notebook. This book will be kept in your folder in the classroom. You will use it to do bellwork.
2. Writing utensil.
3. A 3-ring binder which you will keep your graded work in.
4. Other required books and materials as announced.

Most Common Procedures

1. Entering the Classroom
You are to enter the classroom with a twinkle in your eye and a few interesting thoughts in your head. When you enter you should get anything you need around the room (pencil sharpening, tissue, etc.). Once seated, check the white board for the day's bellwork. You can also use this time to briefly speak with me or make an appointment to make-up a test or get extra help.

2. Bellwork
Every day will begin with bellwork. You will find the bellwork on the front white board. Bellwork should be started as the bell rings. Completing bellwork well is part of your grade. You will receive two points for each well-completed bellwork.

3. Handing In Homework
If there is an assignment that you need to hand in, place it in the tray, on my desk, marked "Please Deposit Homework Here". If the tray or sign isn't there, keep the assignment and begin the day's bellwork. If you arrive late go straight to your seat and begin working on the task at hand.

4. Coming to Attention
When I need to quiet the class, I will walk to the front of the room knock on the white board and raise my hand. When you see this you are expected to stop your conversation and look at me.

5. Arriving Late
When you enter the room late (with or without a pass) simply go to your seat and begin on whatever task the class is engaged in.

6. Leaving the Classroom
The bell does not dismiss the class, I do. Do not pack up until I dismiss the class. Do not leave your seats until I dismiss the class. "People who pack fast shall leave last."

7. Absences
The blog ( will likely answer any questions regarding "what we did" during any absences you may have. If there are any questions beyond the blog, speak with me before class begins or after class. You have five days to make up missed homework or tests.

8. Bathroom
Since this class occurs soon after lunch, I will assume that you have taken the opportunity to go to the bathroom, thus, no bathroom trips will be allowed except in the case of emergencies. This also applies to the drinking fountain. However, you are welcome to bring a bottle of water with you.

Grading Scale
94 – 100 = A 87 – 89 = B+ 74 – 76 = C 67 – 69 = D+
90 – 93 = A- 84 – 86 = B 70 – 73 = C- 64 – 66 = D
80 – 83 = B- 77 – 79 = C+ 60 – 63 = D-
Below 60 = F