Project 1:
Do any last bits of research you need to do and then start writing. Make sure to send me your progress at the end of the hour.
Project 2:
If you need to read a book in order to refresh your memory of how it proceeds, do that today and tomorrow. Make sure you finish by Monday. If you don't need to read the book again, go through the internet and find opinions on how well the book was made into a movie (or whatever translation you're interested in).
Some good sites to find reviews like these are:
You can also find out information about the book and movie at:
Project 3:
Most of you are ready to start working on your translation. So now's as good a time as any. Probably even a better time than any.
For those of you who are doing poems, take a look at this Wikipedia article. It has descriptions of a number of poetry forms. If you click on the form's name, it will show you an example of that form. Choose three poem forms you think might work best for your translations. Send me these along with you ideas on why they would be especially good for your translations.
Project 4
There are actually many different ways to set up a classroom and to conduct school. Most of us don't know about these alternatives because we've never experienced them. Read the through the following articles about alternative schooling methods. Which methods appeal to you? Which don't? Which might you use in your own class?
Send me in your ideas by the end of the hour.