Project 1:
1. Come up with your protagonist and a goal for him/her.
2. Come up with an antagonist and how he/she will be opposing the protagonist.
3. Come up with three ideas for events where the protagonist and antagonist clash.
Project 2:
1. If you have not read the book (or if you haven't read it in a long time and can't remember it well) start reading it.
2. If you have read the book, make a list of major points where the movie and the book (or the whatever and the whatever) differ from each other.
3. Then come up with a list of elements that you think are especially good in each medium.
Project 3:
1. You have already sent me a link to the work you are going to translate. So I want you to start your translation now. If you're writing something, begin. If you're drawing something, begin. Please send me your progress at the end of class.
Project 4:
1. Send me descriptions of the following
a. How you would set up your classroom. (What you would have on the walls, how you would arrange the desks. Would you even have desks. Etc.)
b. How you would run the first day of school so that the students will be excited about the class.
c. Ideas for two class projects that would be interesting and exciting.
By the way. Project #4 is going to be for Mrs. Hughes, since you will be in her class next year. I think that she'll have a much better idea of how to teach you if she knows how you would set up your perfect class. So keep her in mind as your audience. You may be influencing how class will happen next year.